A lady gynaecologist treated my sister


My sister is a basketball player. She is a part of the state basketball team; as a result, she needs to remain fit all the time. But during her menstrual periods, she suffers so much that she even can’t get up from the bed. This issue had become a hindrance in the path of her career, so I decided to take her to the best gynaecologist in Kolkata

best gynaecologist in Kolkata


My sister’s situation used to be miserable whenever she had her menstrual periods. She suffered from intense abdominal pain and at times, the pain was so severe that it would raise her body temperature. I used to give her over-the-counter medicines so that she could get some relief for the time being. After a certain period of time, the over-the-counter medicines stopped working. My sister had to miss matches that were important for her career. She could not eat anything because of her pain and whatever she ate at this time, she would vomit instantly. This could not continue. So, I was in search of the bestlady gynaecologist doctor in Kolkata. I came to know about a health clinic in Newtown near my house. I made an appointment with a lady gynaecologist there. I took my sister there and the doctor checked her thoroughly and heard all about her situation patiently.


The gynaecologist prescribed a few tests and we got those done from the diagnostic center of the same health clinic in Newtown. She prescribed little medication and some lifestyle changes. My sister obeyed her word by word. My sister’s sufferings during her menstrual periods have rapidly reduced. Thanks to the best gynaecologist in Kolkata near me. 

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