Top Dentist Talks About Trouble with Tingling Teeth

If your teeth tingle, you might be wondering why. Tingling teeth can be an infrequent symptom that isn't something to be worried about— or it can be a sign of something more serious.

The top dentist in Salt Lake will discuss the causes and treatment of tingling teeth and prevention strategies to reduce the likelihood of these symptoms recurring.

dentist in salt lake


Teeth tingling causes and treatments

If your teeth send shivers up your spine while eating or even just sitting still, then the underlying cause determines if you need treatment or not.


Tingling teeth can signify that you have a cavity that needs to be filled.

Tooth decay, caused by bacteria, results in brown or white spots on your teeth. These spots can eventually turn into holes in the surface of a tooth, which can penetrate all the way down to the nerve of the tooth.

A cavity in its advanced stage will need to be filled by a dentist in order to preserve your tooth and stop pain and tingling symptoms, says the specialist of the best dental clinic in Rajarhat, Kolkata.

A tooth that is cracked or broken

When a tooth cracks or breaks, the nerve of the tooth may become exposed. In this case you will experience symptoms such as tingling teeth.

Tooth repair is usually required when a tooth is cracked or broken. If your tooth cannot be fixed, this can be accomplished with bonding, a crown, or a dental implant.

Sensitivity of the teeth

Tooth sensitivity, also known as dentin hypersensitivity, is a condition in which your teeth are extremely sensitive to certain types of stimulation.

This can result in a shuddering sensation or tingling teeth when eating hot food, drinking something cold, or biting down too hard, says the top dentist in Salt Lake.

Tooth sensitivity occurs when the enamel on your teeth has worn away or eroded due to eating acidic foods, brushing your teeth too hard, or as a natural part of ageing.

It can also be a sign of a medical condition such as acid reflux or an eating disorder such as bulimia.

Prevention is the best treatment for preserving your tooth enamel. You can also use a special toothpaste or mouthwash to help desensitise your teeth.


The best way for most people to avoid tingling teeth symptoms is to practise good oral hygiene.

Take the following precautions provided by the best dental doctor in Newtown to protect your teeth from infections and enamel wear:

• Always use a toothbrush in good working order, preferably one with softer bristles

• Follow an enamel-friendly diet that limits acidic foods 

• Visit your dentist regularly for an oral health check-up and cleaning

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