Learn about the symptoms, causes and treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) isn't just about stiff neck or achy knees. Learn about this condition from the doctors of the best orthopedic hospital in Newtown.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)  is a chronic autoimmune disease that can significantly impact your daily life. But with the right knowledge and treatment plan at the best orthopedic hospital in Newtown, you can manage RA and maintain a fulfilling life. 


Rheumatoid Arthritis hallmark symptoms involve the joints:

  • Pain and tenderness: This usually affects multiple joints symmetrically, often starting in hands, wrists and feet.

  • Stiffness: Morning stiffness lasting at least 30 minutes is a telltale sign.

  • Swelling and redness: Inflammation makes joints appear puffy and warm.

  • Fatigue: This debilitating symptom can drain your energy levels.

Beyond joints, Rheumatoid Arthritis can affect other body parts:

  • Fever: Low-grade fevers might accompany flares.

  • Loss of appetite and weight: This can occur due to inflammation and fatigue.

  • Weakened muscles: Chronic inflammation can lead to muscle weakness.


The exact cause of Rheumatoid Arthritis remains unknown, but the following factors contribute to the development of the condition:

  • Immune system malfunction: According to the best orthopedic surgeon in Newtown,  the immune system mistakenly attacks the synovium, the tissue lining your joints, leading to inflammation and damage.

  • Genetics: Certain genes increase susceptibility, though genes alone don't guarantee disease development.

  • Environmental triggers: Smoking, exposure to certain chemicals and infections might play a key role.


Various treatment options can help manage symptoms and slow disease progression:

  • Physical and occupational therapy: These therapies help maintain joint mobility, strengthen muscles.

  • Pain management: Techniques like heat therapy, massage and pain medications can bring relief.

  • Lifestyle changes: Regular exercise, a healthy diet, adequate sleep and stress management can significantly improve your well-being.

By understanding the symptoms, causes and treatment options available at the best orthopedic hospital in Newtown for Rheumatoid Arthritis, you can take control of your health and live a fulfilling life despite the challenges.

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