Causes of gastrointestinal conditions- Gastro specialist answered

gastro doctor based in Kolkata

The gastro doctor based in Kolkata said there could be many reasons:

 A very close friend of mine was suffering constipation. She was experiencing dry and hard bowel movements. Gradually it became painful as the bowel movement was fewer than thrice a week. I took her to a gastro specialist near me. The doctor said that there could be many reasons behind such gastrointestinal conditions. The condition might be a common one but it must not be ignored.

The causes:

A low fiber diet:

 Fiber is one type of carbohydrate that is found in plants. It cannot be digested. The doctor advised 25 grams of fiber intake to my friend. Fruits, whole grains, vegetables, and beans have low fiber and all these were in my friend’s diet chart provided by the doctor.


 There is a strong link between our GI tract and the brain. They communicate continuously and thus it is very important to remain stress-free to get rid of gastrointestinal problems. My friend’s job is very stressful. The doctor said that stress was one of the biggest reasons behind her constipation. She was advised to do things that would make her stress-free.

Enough water intake:

 People usually fail to drink enough water in between work. But water consumption has a huge impact on our digestive system. She was prescribed to drink 8-10 glasses of liquid a day.

Dairy food items:

 My friend had informed the doctor that she loved dairy food items like cheese and butter. The doctor said that those contain a lot of fat and proteins so it was important for her to limit those food items. Butter, cheese, or other dairy food items are hard to digest and these may lead to constipation, bloating, and abdominal cramps.

 Other than these the gastro doctor based in Kolkata added some exercises to her daily lifestyle and asked her not to ignore the pressure of bowel. My friend listened to all that he advised and tried to incorporate those in her day-to-day life. Even if after following all these steps, constipation keeps annoying, it is always better to take the help of a gastro doctor near you.


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