The Best Gynecologist Talks About Dysmenorrhea

What is Dysmenorrhea?

Dysmenorrhea is the medical word for menstrual cramps or pain during your period. Dysmenorrhea is classified into two types: primary and secondary, says the best gynecologist in Kolkata.

Primary dysmenorrhea refers to menstrual cramps that repeatedly occur and are not caused by other disorders. Pain generally occurs one or two days before your period or when the bleeding begins. You may get mild to severe discomfort in your lower abdomen, back, or thighs.

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Pain can persist anywhere from 12 to 72 hours, and you may also experience nausea, vomiting, exhaustion, and even diarrhea. Primary menstrual cramps may become less unpleasant as you age.

Secondary dysmenorrhea occurs when you experience painful periods due to a problem or infection in your female reproductive system. Secondary dysmenorrhea pain frequently starts earlier in the menstrual cycle and lasts longer than regular menstrual cramps. You seldom experience nausea, vomiting, tiredness, or diarrhea, says the best gynecologist in New Town.

Menstrual cramps cause what symptoms?

If you have painful periods, you might be suffering from the following:

• Abdominal pain, which can be severe at times

• A feeling of abdominal pressure

• Hip, lower back and inner thigh pain

What is the source of painful menstruation cramps?

Menstrual cramps occur when a substance known as prostaglandin causes the uterus to contract (tighten up). The uterus contracts more vigorously during menstruation. If the uterus contracts too tightly, it might press on adjacent blood arteries, cutting off oxygen flow to muscular tissue. When a portion of the muscle temporarily loses its supply of oxygen, you experience pain, says the gynecologist near me.

When should you consult your doctor regarding menstruation cramps?

Cramping prevents some women from engaging in their normal activities. If you experience extremely painful periods, consult your doctor.

Keep track of your periods and the days when your pain is the worst so you can compile an accurate report. Keep track of any additional symptoms you experience, such as headaches or excessive flow, says the best gynecologist in Kolkata.

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