Several issues can affect your heart but the most familiar one is Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). Coronary artery disease affects the major blood vessels supplying the heart muscle. Cholesterol deposits in the arteries are usually the cause of coronary artery disease and may lead to a heart attack. The top cardiologist in Newtown gives us a description of the early signs of a heart disease.
Early signs of heart disease
The signs of a heart disease are as follows:
Pain or discomfort in the chest
The feeling of pressure, burning or squeezing in the chest is one of the most common signs of heart disease.
Shortness of breath
Having respiratory issues, even during rest or light activity, may be a symptom.
Experiencing unusual tiredness or exhaustion, even after getting proper rest.
Swelling in legs
Fluid build-up in an individual's lower body, especially the feet and ankles, can be considered a symptom of a common type of heart disease called heart failure.
Feeling lightheaded or dizzy
Experiencing dizziness, especially when standing up, may be a sign of an irregular heartbeat or another problem that can be associated with the heart.
Intermittent heartbeat
Abnormal heart rhythms, also known as Arrhythmias, can lead to palpitations and fluttering sensations in the chest.
Nausea or pain in the abdomen
Some individuals with heart disease can experience symptoms like indigestion, nausea or discomfort in the stomach.
Pain in the jaw, neck or back
Pain occurring in the jaw, neck or back, especially in conjunction with chest pain, can be a symptom of a heart attack.
If you observe any of the aforementioned signs, visit the top cardiologist in Newtown for an evaluation.
Coronary artery disease affects the major blood vessels supplying the heart muscle. Cholesterol deposits in the arteries are usually the cause of coronary artery disease.
Heart disease can lead to several complications, as follows:
Heart attack
Heart failure
Cardiac arrest and shock
Pulmonary hypertension
Kidney and liver damage
The expertise of the top cardiologist in Newtown helps provide the utmost care for your heart health.