How excess weight affects your kidneys

Being overweight may have a significant effect on kidney health, increasing the risk of several conditions and complications. Extra weight forces an individual's kidneys to work harder and filter wastes above the standard level. The top medicine specialist doctor near you tells us about how excess weight affects the kidneys.

Impact of excess weight on kidneys

The impact of excess weight on the kidneys is as follows:

  • Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) 

Being overweight is a known risk factor for the development and progression of CKD. As mentioned earlier, the kidneys work harder to filter blood in individuals who are overweight, leading to increased strain on the kidneys over periods of time. This may eventually lead to the loss of kidney function and the development of CKD.

  • Diabetes and hypertension 

Obesity is commonly associated with the development of type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, both of which are the primary causes of chronic kidney disease. These conditions may cause damage to blood vessels in the kidneys and weaken their function, ultimately leading to CKD.

If the suspicion arises of being overweight, consider visiting the best medicine specialist doctor near you for a check-up.

  • Kidney stones 

Obesity is also linked to an increased chance of developing kidney stones. Excess weight may result in changes concerning urinary composition and flow, making it more likely for kidney stones to form. In addition, obesity is usually accompanied by other risk factors for kidney stones, like dehydration and poor diet.

  • Inflammation and oxidative stress 

Excess weight is related to chronic low-grade inflammation and increased oxidative stress in the body. Both these conditions contribute to kidney damage and dysfunction.

  • Sleep apnea

Obesity may lead to sleep apnea, which refers to a condition characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep.


In conclusion, maintaining weight through daily exercise and a balanced diet is important for preserving kidney health and lowering the risk of kidney-related complications. The leading medicine specialist doctor near you provides expert medical care to all patients.

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