The best cardiologist cured my chest pain

 I am a single middle-aged man. I stay alone in Kolkata due to my job. For the past few months, I was suffering from chest pain. It would appear abruptly either while running or under stress, and with time it would disappear. Initially, I thought it to be a mere case of gas and kept on taking over-the-counter medicines for gas. 

best cardiologist in Kolkata

But gradually, the chest pain got worse, and the timing of it got stretched. At times, the pain was so intense that I could not even breathe properly. I used to feel pressure on my chest. A colleague with whom I had shared my situation suggested the best cardiologist in Kolkata. Though at first, I did not want to go to a cardiologist directly as I thought it was a case of gas, when the situation got worse, I had no other option than to go with my colleague’s suggestion. I booked an appointment with the cardiologist and visited him. After listening to all my symptoms, the doctor asked me to get a test named Echo Doppler done immediately. The doctor diagnosed the main cause of my chest pain. It’s not gas but stable angina, the cardiologist said. He prescribed some medication and a few lifestyle changes. Now, I am fine and have no chest pain. I thank the best cardiologist in Kolkata for detecting my disease and treating me accordingly.

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